When a year and a half back Dropbox released its own new brand design it was like thunder from clear heaven, nobody was expecting such a drastically new brand design. All rest of the world was moving forward to Material design leaving chrome and skeuomorph behind.
It’s some time ago, so let me summarize how this new course in brand design had has an impact. But first of all, I have to admit, I’m not a designer, I’m just hobby UI creative, nothing all. I don’t have any education in art or design, but I have my own ideas and opinions, so you’re not interested in my summary of Dropbox’s brand identity and its impact, feel free to leave.
Dropbox is a company built around its main product called Dropbox. It’s basically a file drive in the cloud. Nothing more, you have files in a folder in your PC, Mac, phone and those files are synchronized and stored in servers somewhere around Globe. Dropbox builds an additional project around its main business, for example, my most loved Paper and this was to first step to be perceived as creativity platform than simple file sharing service. New brand had to be something that should support that and start a new era in Dropbox’s history.
When new brand identity was released it wasn’t accepted very well. Inside the design community, as well as from outside of it. Dropbox attracts criticisms for using clashing colors.
I remember myself when I saw it for the first time. It was like I was watching something from the past, something from new millennium, but that time I was watching Stranger things (which is Netflix series from the ’70s to ‘80s), Guarding of Galaxy vol.1 and vol.2, Thor Ragnarog, wearing trousers with a high belt so it didn’t feel so odd. I was smiling and thinking: „Wau“. I had a good feeling that somebody had balls to try to take something that’s going in the movie, fashion and in some way mood inside society and put it on computer screens and UI.
For those, who don’t know what I am talking about, here are a few examples and more about brand identity can be found at http://dropbox.design.